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The Power of Dreams


The Power of Dreams

At one of the newest and biggest bookstores in Tokyo, Japan, you can find one section devoted to the books of one author. The titles are, The Power of Cleaning To Make Your Dreams Come True, Change Yourself with The Power of Cleaning, Solve Your Problems by The Power of Cleaning. These books are all bestsellers.

This is the story of Mr. Masuda, a man who achieved his dreams of success. He is the author of The Power of Cleaning series. Since he published his first book in 2005, he has gone on o publish 13 books within two years and more than one million copies of the books have been sold.

Revealing the State of Your Mind

Mr. Masuda explains, “The power of cleaning integrates leaning and the Laws of the Mind. I often say that your home represents the state of your mind. The state of your home shows what state your mind is in. By taking the action of cleaning, you can actually clean your mind. If you do this, you will not only be able to clean your home, but at the same time, you will have a revolutionary change in your mind-state. And that is how you can change your life.”

Destroyed Hopes and Dreams of Success

It was not easy for Mr. Masuda to achieve his dreams of success. Ten years earlier he was in the midst of a terrible ordeal. When he was 27, he had jumped at an offer to start his own business. His main motivation at the time was to make a lot of money as fast as he could. Before long, he found himself bankrupt. Soon after, he went through a divorce. His hopes and dreams of success were destroyed. The only thing he had left was a huge amount of debt.

“When I was in the depths of disappointment,” he recalls, “my place was a dump. That is when one of my friends came over and told me I had to stop living like that. He opened the window and the wind raised the dust in the room. Seeing it I was embarrassed. Then, my friend told me to start by cleaning the toilet. While I was cleaning, all the feelings that I had pent up came out and I burst into tears. When I finished cleaning my place, I could really feel that I could start life over again. That was the very first moment I realized the power of cleaning.”

The Power of Cleaning Was A Ray of Light

The power of cleaning came into his life like a ray of light. Mr. Masuda got a job at a house cleaning company and restarted his life. That was when another ray of light was able to shine into his life. A friend gave him Master Okawa’s book, The Laws of the Sun, and Mr. Masuda started learning the spiritual laws.

From The Laws of the Sun, he learned the purpose and the mission of life as well as the meaning of hardships and suffering. He was deeply touched by the words in the book. Impressed, he decided to learn Master Ryuho Okawa’s teachings and he started going to seminars at Happy Science and volunteering. One day, he received an inspiration.

“I had many discoveries through studying and taking seminars at Happy Science, but I was never quite sure how those discoveries were connected to my cleaning job. One day, when I was doing volunteer cleaning at the Happy Science temple, I received the inspiration “Cleaning is powerful.” That is when I thought of the term “The Power of Cleaning.” My inner voice then said, “If you clean with your whole heart, you can produce a positive energy through cleaning.”

With a selfless mind, Mr. Masuda continued volunteering and deepened his discoveries. “I thought about how I could clean the temple so that people would smile when they visited. Until then, it was all about how I could make myself feel better, but my mind changed from benefiting myself to being of help to others.”Mr. Masuda gradually began to wish to contribute to the other’s happiness by using his knowledge and skills.

The Law of Like-Attracts-Like

Mr. Masuda explains, “As I learned in Master Okawa’s books, ‘like attracts like.’ This is the spiritual law that minds of the same wavelength attract each other. So, I understood that it was the same as when a room becomes messy, and it attracts more messiness. If you live in a messy place, you create a negative energy around you that attracts unhappiness. But the act of throwing things out will clear the way for you, bringing an innovation into your life. It is one of the most effective ways to change. Now whenever I hit a wall, I get rid of something so that I can experience an innovation and take a step forward. I thought this kind of idea could really help other people as well.”

melaluiThe Power of Dreams.

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The Courage to Live Creatively

Filed under: CATATAN DAN RENUNGAN,KNOWLEDGEMENT — Tag: — KING JAZZ (Bayu Wirawan) @ 15.19

The Courage to Live Creatively

It was back in 2002, when my company, Aura, had just established its own original product brand and its name was fast becoming renowned throughout the industry. My business was doing great but, at home, I had just learned that my wife had joined Happy Science which was a different religion from the one that I followed.

My name is Mr. Nonomura, and this is a chapter from my Workbook of Life in how I summoned the courage to live more creatively in my business.

“Self-reflection leads to progress”

I was a long time believer of Tenrikyo*; therefore, I was skeptical about Happy Science. Ever since I lost my father at the age of 14, Tenrikyo had been my emotional support throughout my life, helping me through those tough days when I was working like crazy to support the family and my own education.

*Tenrikyo: A Japanese religion that emerged in the 1800s.

However, the change that Happy Science brought upon my wife was hard to ignore. She became a gentler person and she said things that sometimes amazed me. She even quit smoking – something I had never been able to get her to do. I became curious to know what was written in the books she was reading and studying so earnestly.

What I found were teachings that gave answers to questions I had harbored for a long time and which gave direction on how to progress towards the future. One of the teachings that left a special impression on me was on how self-reflection leads to progress: reflecting on yourself and correcting your mistakes is progress for you as an individual. I decided I would join Happy Science and study these teachings further. However, although I could understand how self-reflection would help clear your mind, I had yet to fully realize how self-reflection would lead to progress.

Soon I was given an opportunity to obtain a shop space in a commercial complex situated in a prime location in Kyoto. This was a great opportunity for the company and, though I was well aware of the risks, I decided to take it. To my surprise, all my employees were against the idea. I ignored their disapproval and went ahead with it anyway, hoping that the success in the new venture would bring them around. However, the rift between myself and my employees grew, and sales performance faltered.

Did I make the right decision? Three weeks had passed after the store opening but the confidence in my decision was waning. That was when my wife suggested I visit a Happy Science temple near Lake Biwako to practice a meditation called, “The Four Season Meditation.”

Awakening to True Progress

I was in the midst of the ‘winter meditation’ when I saw my past clearly, as if it was reflected on the surface of a lake. I saw myself pursuing my dreams of success with little regard for my family and with no appreciation for my employees because I thought I was doing all the work myself.

“Maybe I had become arrogant in thinking that I could do everything the way I wanted to?” I thought. “My employees’ opposition is biting cold like the wind in winter, but perhaps it’s a gift from God for me to wake up to the importance of the people around me…”

That was when I realized that what was lacking in me was: gratitude. In that instant, I felt myself slipping free of the heavy layers of pride and desire for prestige and fame that covered my heart. Then tears ran down my cheeks as I became overwhelmed with gratitude for everyone who had supported me so far.

The last part of the meditation required me to draw a picture of my past, present and future. I was born and raised in rural Japan, so my expectations of how far I would get in life were not so high. But as I drew freely, I suddenly saw a vision of myself soaring to achieve great things on a global scale and even in the field of space technology.

“What is this!? Is this the future me?” I could scarcely believe I could rise to such heights. Until then, I carried a sense of guilt about achieving success. A bitter experience of having to help pay for a relative’s huge debt when his company went bankrupt ten years ago had made me think, “It’s better to lead a mediocre life than to cause problems for a lot of people by trying to succeed big and failing.” But Happy Science taught differently.

“If your personal happiness is the kind of happiness that will lead to the happiness of all humankind… then that is the right kind of thought; it will cause no problems when it is realized. This is the kind of thought that you should aim for, the kind in which your personal happiness and the happiness of humankind can be realized as one.”

[The Laws of Happiness | Published by Lantern Books]

I discovered that my anxieties came from not knowing that one can realize both one’s own happiness and that of others too. If my company’s success and expansion are for the sake of benefiting the world, then it’s a good thing. This realization gave me enormous encouragement and swept away al l my worries. I had a tendency to blame my employees whenever things didn’t go as planned, but I was determined to change that. To stop the harsh words from leaving my mouth, I took a deep breath whenever I felt it coming and calmed my mind. In this way, I worked to mend the rift between myself and my employees. I had finally learned what it meant to leap from self-reflection to progress.

melaluiThe Courage to Live Creatively.

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GONG KEBYAR MUSIK JAZZ BALI – Presented by: “KING JAZZ” (Bayu Wirawan)

  1. ¢W.R. Soepratman
  2. ¢Indonesian Young Combo Jazz Band
  3. ¢Jazz Concerts Around Borzois / Kingdom Circumstances
  4. ¢People Participations, Appreciation And Intention For Collaboration With Local Ethnics Music
  5. ¢Local Composers And The Musical’s Influences
  6. ¢Ensemble Local Ethnic Cultures
  7. ¢Rhythm Riff = WADITRA: CAVAQUINHO dimainkan secara Rasgueado in Cak, Cuk, Mandaolin
  8. ¢Kendhang Cello
  9. ¢Bass Pizzicato
  10. ¢Guitar: Floating Melody Line: Mbredel Banyu
  11. ¢Flute, Violin: Melody Filler
  12. ¢Expressed by Singer: Caracao (Stereotyped – Impromptu
  13. ¢Rubato – follow on singer expresses
  14. ¢Monodic Orchestration = The Art of Accompaniment
  15. ¢The Symponic Poem
  16. ¢The Singer not The Song
  3. ¢Portuguese, Dutch, India, China, Arab, Afrika, Oceanian
  7. ¢STAMBUL ENTR’ACTE: Bridging Part Repertoire
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Filed under: CATATAN DAN RENUNGAN,KNOWLEDGEMENT — Tag: , , , — KING JAZZ (Bayu Wirawan) @ 02.21


Kita Tahu Bahasa Atau Kata-Kata Yang Kita Pakai Atau Kita Lantunkan Bukanlah Hal Yang Mati, Tapi Suatu Yang Bernyawa (Hidup), Suatu Ekpresi Dari Kita (Manusia) Yang Hidup, Yang Terentak Juga Sebagai Alat Interkomunikasi Antarmanusia Yang Hidup Bersama Dalam Masyarakat. Kata-Kata Yang Kita Pakai Itu Tidak Hanya Menunjukkan Realitas Barang-Barang Yang Obyektif Saja, Tetapi Juga Menyatakan Sikap Dan Perasaan Terhadap Realitas Obyektif. Kata Mempunyai Nilai Rasa Tertentu Dalam Setiap Kata-Kata.
Sebab Nilai Rasa Ini Merupakan Arti Kata Dan Berada Dalam Kata Itu Sendiri. Dalam Hal Ini Perlu Kita Lihat Agar Lontaran Atau Lompatan Kata-Kata Itu Tepat Sasaran. Untuk Setiap Situasi Kita Harus Pandai Memilih Istilah Yang Cocok, Sesuai, Serasi Dengan Nilai Rasa Yang Hendak Kita Lontarkan (Terkatakan).
Kata-Kata Dengan Nilai Rasa Tertentu Itu Tidak Hanya Dipakai Untuk Melahirkan Perasaan Atau Penilaian Kita Sendiri, Tapi Dapat Menimbulkan Perasaan Kepada Orang Lain. Dan Inilah Keterampilan Dalam Menggunakan Bahasa Yang Dimiliki Seorang Seniman Dan Sastrawan.
Kalau Kata-Kata Itu Menimbulkan Perasaan Maka Ia Akan Menimbulkan Perasaan Emosional, Dan Inilah Biasanya Yang Dipakai Dalam Politik Dan Iklan-Iklan, Tidak Mengarah Pada Ranah Pemikiran Untuk Berfikir Secara Radikal. Sedangkan Kata-Kata Tersebut Dapat Menghambat Pemikiran Sendiri, Bahkan Dapat Mengacaukan Jalan Pikiran Dan Memustahilkan Berpikir Sendiri Dengan Obyektif, Karena Menutup Mata Terhadap Kenyataan, Realitas.
Dalam Konteks Ini, Benar Apa Yang Dikatakan Oleh Heidegger, Dalam Analisisnya Tentang Vestehen Di Dalam Being And Time Bahwa Apa Yang Pertama Kali Kita Pahami Dalam Sebuah Wacana Bukanlah Orang Lain, Namun Sebuah Proyeksi, Yakni Outline Cara Baru Keberadaan Di Dunia. Hanya Dengan Kata-Kata Yang Membebas Di Teks, Tidak Hanya Pengarang Aslinya, Namun Juga Dari Sempitnya Situasi Dialogis, Yang Mengilhami Masa Depan Wacana Sebagai Proyeksi Sebuah Dunia, Jadi Bila Nilai Rasa Dihasilkan Sebagai Sebuah Peristiwa, Maka Ia Dapat Dipahami Sebagai Makna Yang Tentunya Mempunyai Kata Dan Nilai Rasa Di Dalamnya.
Dalam Dialektika Nilai Rasa Dan Kata Yang Telah Dikembangkan Dalam Diri Kata Sangat Dominan. Memaknai Kata Adalah Apa Yang Diinginkan Oleh Pembicara. Namun Memaknai Kata Adalah Juga Apa Yang Dimaksudkan Oleh Kalimat Tersebut. Jadi Setiap Gerak Atau Tindakan Ini Memberi Jalan Bagi Dialektika Nilai Dan Kata. Oleh Karena Dunia Ini Adalah Kumpulan Referensi Dan Kata-Kata Yang Diungkap Oleh Setiap Jenis Teks, Deskriptif Atau Puitis Yang Kita Baca, Pahami Dan Senangi, Hanya Itu!. Dan Kita Perlu Sadari Sungguh-Sungguh.
Kata-Kata Dipandang Baik Sebagai Suatu Peristiwa Apabila Pertama Sebagai Suatu Fungsi Predikat Yang Dikombinasikan Oleh Suatu Identifikasi, Kedua Sebagai Suatu Abstrak, Yang Bergantung Pada Keseluruhan Konkrit Yang Merupakan Kesatuan Antara Nilai Rasa Dan Kata Dalam Kalimat. Dimana Ada Kata Pengucap Dan Kata Ucapan. Memaknai Ucapan Berarti Apa Yang Dimaksudkan Oleh Sang Pembicara. Sebab Nilai Tidaklah Berbicara Tapi Oranglah Yang Berbicara. Misalnya, Roman Jakobson Memulai Dari Adanya Hubungan Tiga Arah Antara Pembicara, Pendengar Dan Pesan Yang Di Sampaikan, Dilanjutkan Dengan Manambah Tiga Faktor Pelengkap Lainnya Yang Memperkaya Modelnya. Misalnya Lagi, Pengalaman Yang Dialami Dan Dirasakan Dalam Hidup, Tetap Merupakan Suatu Privasi Seseorang, Namun Kata Dan Nilai Rasa Menjadi Milik Umum, Dialog Adalah Suatu Peristiwa Yang Menghubungkan Dua Peristiwa, Berbicara Dan Mendengar.
Namun, Dengan Kriteria Semacam Ini, Hanya Akan Memberikan Salah Arah, Sebagaimana Yang Diatakan Benveniste, Semata Peristiwa Mudah Berlalu Dan Sirna. Dengan Begitu Ilmu Linguistik Akan Menjadi Justifikasi Pengenyampingannya, Dan Prioritas Ontologis-Aksiologis Yang Menjadi Siginifikansi Dan Tanpa Konsekwensi. Keberlakuan Nilai Tidak Hanya Bersifat Transhistoris Dan Sirna, Tapi Kekal Abadi.
Dengan Melalui Interpretasi Suatu Perubahan Teks Kata Ke Dalam Suatu Teori Sistematis Dan Komprehensif, Berusaha Mengeksplanasikan Keutuhan Nilai Rasa Manusia Dalam Beragam Cara Penggunaan Di Mana Kata Itu Diletakkan. Kata-Kata Juga Bisa Dibaca Secara Terpisah, Namun Sedikit Demi Sedikit Hanya Sebagai Alat Bagi Solusi Terhadap Suatu Problem Tunggal, Yaitu Pemahaman Terhadap Kata Pada Tingkat Hasil Karya Tertentu Seperti Puisi, Cerpen, Dan Esai, Yang Bersifat Literer. Dengan Kata Lain Semua Karya-Karya Secara Khsusus, Dan Kata-Kata Sebagi Sebuah Karya Pada Umunya Adalah Karya Itu Sendiri.
Dalam Maraknya Karya-Karya Di Era Kontemporer Yang Tidak Hanya Mengidentifikasikan Suatu Tema Penting, Namun Juga Suatu Kebutuhan Yang Mendesak Untuk Re-Elaborasi Problematika Kata Yang Menandai Zaman. Bahasa (Kata) Seperti Yang Dikutip Oleh Martin Heidegger Adalah Sebagai Tempat Tinggal Manusia (The House Of Being), Karena Dengan Bahasa Atau Kata Kita Dapat Mengungkap Apa Yang Kita Inginkan. Dengan Kata Pula, Makna Hadir Dengan Bebasnya Dalam Atmosfir Kesadaran Kita. Kata-Kata Adalah Satu-Satunya Pilihan Untuk Menampakkan Realitas Yang Kita Pun Tidak Mampu Meredamnya. Lalu Bagaimana Memahami Nilai Rasa, Kata Itu Dan Bagaimana Kita Merengutnya? Tentunya Dengan Interpretasi Kita Dapat Melakukan Semua Itu.
Demikian Juga, Segala Aspek Nilai Tidak Akan Lepas Dari Kata Sebagai Nilai, Baik Nilai Kata, Nilai Rasa, Dan Predikat, Serta Dialektika Kata-Kata Dan Nilai. Walau Pun Sudah Dengan Jalan Teori-Teori Para Pakar Kata-Kata, Mereka Tidak Lepas Dari Beberapa Hal Yang Berkaitan Dengan Perkataan Dan Tulisan, Yang Membahas Metaforisme Baik Metafora Semantik-Semiotik, Simbol, Eksplanasi-Pemaknaan Yang Mengandung Nilai Rasa.

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World Ki Gong Club

Filed under: KNOWLEDGEMENT — Tag: , — KING JAZZ (Bayu Wirawan) @ 16.28


Ki Gong history can be roughly divided into five periods. Throughout Ki Gong history there have been several constants. There is an emphasis on meditation, respiration and movement in order to achieve higher levels of health and well-being.

Ancient History

The first period had very little written documentation and therefore historical review is a bit speculative. It is possible that Ki principles were practiced during this time because some historical records have indicated that conscious body movement and breathing exercises were practiced to cure diseases. It is unknown if these practices were related to Ki philosophy or if they were just practiced because of the de facto realization of increased health.

There is documentation of body movement and breath control practice in ancient history. The first written record of anything resembling Ki Gong principles was 4000 years ago in a book titled, The Spring and Autumn Chronicles by Lu. In this book Lu states that a long time ago people became ill due to stasis of body fluids which caused diseases similar to the modern condition known as rheumatism. Afflicted individuals were prescribed a series of dance like movements that were intended to relieve stagnation.

Heaven, Earth and Man

The second period is marked by the introduction of a book known as Yi Jing (Book of Changes) sometime before 1122 BC. This book was the first known to discuss the relationship of energy and thus relates to the development of Ki Gong. In the Yi Jing three natural energies were proposed: Tian (Heaven), Di (Earth) and Ren (Man). Importantly it was the study of the relationship between the three energies that sponsored the ideas of Ki Gong practice. Each energy was considered a power and the cultivation of the three individual powers depended on the relationship of one to another.

During the Zhou dynasty (1122-934 BC), the famous philosopher Lao Tzu wrote Tao Te Ching in which he stated that the way to achieve health was to concentrate on Ki and achieve softness. There was also a great deal of discussion about proper breathing and respiratory techniques. Several other books came out during this time that discussed the importance of conscious breathing techniques for the cultivation of Ki and subsequently increased vitality.

Two types of Ki Gong training were developed during this period: Religious Ki Gong which was practiced primarily by Taoist and Confucian scholars, and Medicinal Ki Gong which was practiced to prevent or cure illness. Interestingly both Religious and Medicinal Ki Gong was practiced for the sake of increasing health. Both types of training focused on the natural way of optimum health potential. It was thought that it was impossible to counter the effects of nature. Instead the powers of nature were used to fortify energy in the individual Ki Gong practitioner.

melaluiWorld Ki Gong Club.

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