The Power of Dreams
The Power of Dreams
At one of the newest and biggest bookstores in Tokyo, Japan, you can find one section devoted to the books of one author. The titles are, The Power of Cleaning To Make Your Dreams Come True, Change Yourself with The Power of Cleaning, Solve Your Problems by The Power of Cleaning. These books are all bestsellers.
This is the story of Mr. Masuda, a man who achieved his dreams of success. He is the author of The Power of Cleaning series. Since he published his first book in 2005, he has gone on o publish 13 books within two years and more than one million copies of the books have been sold.
Revealing the State of Your Mind
Mr. Masuda explains, “The power of cleaning integrates leaning and the Laws of the Mind. I often say that your home represents the state of your mind. The state of your home shows what state your mind is in. By taking the action of cleaning, you can actually clean your mind. If you do this, you will not only be able to clean your home, but at the same time, you will have a revolutionary change in your mind-state. And that is how you can change your life.”
Destroyed Hopes and Dreams of Success
It was not easy for Mr. Masuda to achieve his dreams of success. Ten years earlier he was in the midst of a terrible ordeal. When he was 27, he had jumped at an offer to start his own business. His main motivation at the time was to make a lot of money as fast as he could. Before long, he found himself bankrupt. Soon after, he went through a divorce. His hopes and dreams of success were destroyed. The only thing he had left was a huge amount of debt.
“When I was in the depths of disappointment,” he recalls, “my place was a dump. That is when one of my friends came over and told me I had to stop living like that. He opened the window and the wind raised the dust in the room. Seeing it I was embarrassed. Then, my friend told me to start by cleaning the toilet. While I was cleaning, all the feelings that I had pent up came out and I burst into tears. When I finished cleaning my place, I could really feel that I could start life over again. That was the very first moment I realized the power of cleaning.”
The Power of Cleaning Was A Ray of Light
The power of cleaning came into his life like a ray of light. Mr. Masuda got a job at a house cleaning company and restarted his life. That was when another ray of light was able to shine into his life. A friend gave him Master Okawa’s book, The Laws of the Sun, and Mr. Masuda started learning the spiritual laws.
From The Laws of the Sun, he learned the purpose and the mission of life as well as the meaning of hardships and suffering. He was deeply touched by the words in the book. Impressed, he decided to learn Master Ryuho Okawa’s teachings and he started going to seminars at Happy Science and volunteering. One day, he received an inspiration.
“I had many discoveries through studying and taking seminars at Happy Science, but I was never quite sure how those discoveries were connected to my cleaning job. One day, when I was doing volunteer cleaning at the Happy Science temple, I received the inspiration “Cleaning is powerful.” That is when I thought of the term “The Power of Cleaning.” My inner voice then said, “If you clean with your whole heart, you can produce a positive energy through cleaning.”
With a selfless mind, Mr. Masuda continued volunteering and deepened his discoveries. “I thought about how I could clean the temple so that people would smile when they visited. Until then, it was all about how I could make myself feel better, but my mind changed from benefiting myself to being of help to others.”Mr. Masuda gradually began to wish to contribute to the other’s happiness by using his knowledge and skills.
The Law of Like-Attracts-Like
Mr. Masuda explains, “As I learned in Master Okawa’s books, ‘like attracts like.’ This is the spiritual law that minds of the same wavelength attract each other. So, I understood that it was the same as when a room becomes messy, and it attracts more messiness. If you live in a messy place, you create a negative energy around you that attracts unhappiness. But the act of throwing things out will clear the way for you, bringing an innovation into your life. It is one of the most effective ways to change. Now whenever I hit a wall, I get rid of something so that I can experience an innovation and take a step forward. I thought this kind of idea could really help other people as well.”
melaluiThe Power of Dreams.