Translated by Putu Agus Bratayadnya
Collaboration Project of Dita Gambiro, Wayan Sujana “Suklu” and Ngurah Sudibya.
Tapak Telu is a collaboration project between 3 Artists, Dita Gambiro, Wayan Sujana “Suklu” and Ngurah Sudibya, which are coming from different discipline, meet in one project. What interesting phenomenon from this project is their works from each individual conception and those are met together with a concept. On this collaboration, they carry Tapak Telu concept, which has meaning trilateral. Trilateral is a form that have a lot of meaning in many cultures, likes there is golden section trilateral, Bermuda trilateral and in certain religion likes Hindu, there is many trilateral/three concepts likes Tri Murti, Tri Datu, Tri Sula, Tri Hita Karana etc. Golden Section trilateral is used for translating spiritual concept, on above corner is reference to The Suprime God and for twin below corner is reference to human and life or nature. In Tri Hita Karana concept, those references are as regard relationship between human and God, human and human and the last human and nature.
Because of its trilateral concept on this collaboration project made the 3 artists evolved their works. Dita evolved happen and not happen concepts with approach cycle of birth, grow and death (shattered), then from this concept he translated into simbolic delegation with the use of human body and combination of meru. Meru is pentagon form of Hindu temple in Bali that the structure of floor is smaller to its top. Human , life circle and meru simbolize of imortalitas.
Meanwhile Suklu talks about bamboo facture that he responded trilateral concept with bamboo composition with trilateral concepts. In his works, Suklu gave more space for meaning process from this form. He believes that in this phenomenon save many concepts and meaning who match with context of space and time in many cultures. So trilateral on Suklu works is an open composition phenomenon form from many variety of meaning.
Deferent with Ngurah Sudibya, who is already long time to explore trilateral concept from Hindu philosophy. As an artist from dance department, he focus on performance composition in his performance to response this trilateral concept. From paradoks on binary opposition, black-white, noon-night, He produced transition phenomenon, gray colour. In life binary of paradox opposition always following by transition phenomenon (in between) and this concept he translates to his performance. Ngurah Sudibya makes his performance to response Suklu and Dita works, also Ngurah makes those works as section of his performance. In this collaboration project, relevance is happen between concept and style from each exponent so it will present of many mixing artistic and aesthetic phenomenon.
Desember 16 Des 2010
I Wayan Seriyoga Parta