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Good Morning, Om Swastyastu. Thank you very much for the chance given to me, know I’ll tell you about one of much my experience.
Any good or bad experiences have a reason that we can’t guess. I have a unique experience when first time I must choose the studies program in Senior High School. When that time, I was very confused about what I’ll become after finish my study three years later. I was though must be in language class because I love language lesson, music, and I attracted with the Balinese culture. Because a lot of information and feedback that I heard, there is the bright and the dark side about that studies program. My parents handed me the full right to choose the studies program, they just suggested me to choose what I love and where my passion. It’s made me more confused and lost my spirit for a while until I got sick
Brother provide the solutions, that I have to be a natural science (science class). He told me, the graduate of natural science have many opportunities to get into public universities. That opinion was opening my mind. Beside it, I attracted with Math, Biologic, Physic and I learned the Language too. So, I decided to be a natural science’s boy.
Well as time goes by, appears my dislike towards biology. I don’t know why that happened. I Though Biology was too much memorization. Until one day I feel be a foolish in my class about Biology. I was so disappointed after that.
Then I though in my heart, “How could this happen? What did I do wrong?” . After that, I tried to rise, forget the frustration by more seriously learning biology. I studied half to death to be able to understand biology lesson. It is a good path until now I prefer biology. Until now I choose Biology for the National Exam Test.
Ok that’s all about my experience. Thank you for your attention. OM SANTHI SANTHI SANTHI OM. Have a nice day