The birth of Bhatara Kala Painting
This painting was created by the creator combines elements of modern and traditional elements, the creator of this work to visualize his work with expressionist painting style, more play here the creator of the concept of color and symbols as delivery simbull intent of the theme, the painting measuring 30 x This 21cm with medium paper and acrylic paint. Themed paintings meeting between Shiva and Durga Kala kala Lord who gave birth as a negative symbol of the positive elements that exist in human beings and the world.
This painting Rwabhineda themed on the concept that there is in Bali. The creator of this show with very erotic.Dalam painting Painting in imenggambarkan meeting that resulted in a third element, forming the seeds of new life. In the teachings of Papyrus, a meeting between man and woman is the union of fire and water. Humans and monsters that has a face and a similar nature is the result of the same creative meeting. In this paper gives an overview about the meeting, the meeting was not necessarily a union of the two sexes are different, but both the power it could have appeared together at various places. Masculine principle, which is embodied by water, moving down to touch the fire which is the feminine element which naturally moves upward. The third element, which arise as a result of the meeting, was shown in a variety of ways. in a painting entitled The Power of RWA bhineda or two monsters face appears white on the bottom and right in the middle between the two forms that symbolize the birth of a very sinister evil forces or Bhutakala, the meeting between Lord Siwa with Goddess Durga in their most horrific manifestations , Siwa Kala and Durga
Siwa kala and Durga meeting symbolized by the meeting of water and fire. From the very mysterious meeting between fire and water born atma or soul is a spark of the properties of all the gods in the human body. Men and women also symbolize life and real substance; creation of a new life always involves a meeting between the soul and the real substance. This process is represented in the meeting between the fire and the water that is both neutralization process. In terms of fire suppression by water, there is a third element in the form of vapor or moisture that appears once symbolized nonmaterial substance is a product of the meeting psyche. Instead, the water vapor will turn into water and returned to the earth as well as the human spirit that continues to undergo the process of birth into the world.