I Just Don’t Get It!

why the wordpress kubrick tagline filled with “Just another `put-your-blog-hostname-here` weblog”?

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Fixing Joomla 1.5 invalid XHTML Markup validation because of mod_search

I don’t get it! Why the W3.org XHTML validator said my joomla installation page is an invalid XHTML page. After check the error messages, it show that line 88 on column number 42 and 43 had an error like this,

Line 88, Column 43: an attribute value specification must be an attribute value literal unless SHORTTAG YES is specified

&lt;input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value=<strong>1</strong> /&gt;

and after a moments search the source of error, it seems came from the search form default value that not quoted properly.

Shortly, to fix this issue, go down to edit template file on mod_search on file named default.php


around line 42 quote the default value properly

&lt;input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="&lt;?php echo $mitemid; ?&gt;" /&gt;

and recheck the page XHTML validation, on my installation, it works to fix the invalid XHTML page.

apachebench weird result

I don’t get it, why apachebench result for such a huge amount of request seems had a bottleneck on the several last 10% of the request.

The test run with ab that bundled with Apache HTTP server.

Operating system : FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2

Web server              : apache-2.2.13 (FreeBSD Ports)

I’m running ab with 100.000 total request and 100 concurrent connection and here is the plot result with gnuplot.

Hasil uji beban server isi-dps.ac.id

Hasil uji beban server isi-dps.ac.id

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