

⊆ Januari 24th by | ˜ 65 Comments »


NO       :             201304009.

PRODI :              SENI LUKIS

TUGAS:              BHS ENGLISH.




See also VAN Gogh family in his art .VINCENT VAN Gogh was born  on 30 march 1853 in Groot -Zondert,a village close to breda in the propinci of noth braban in the sout of the neterland,a predo minalty cathilok area ,he was the oldest chil of theodorus VAN Gogh ,a minister of the duc reformed church,and charbentco.

VINCENT was given the name of his grandfather ,and of a brother stillborn exactly a year before his birth.The practice of reusing a name was not unusual.VINCENT whas a cammon name in the van VAN Gogh family his grandfather ,VINCENT( 1789-1874) ,gad received his degree of theology art the unipersiti see also VAN Gogh family in his art.

VAN Gogh is painter artist ,and scientist of hard work,i like VAN Gogh ,becouse ilike for diligent is paint.There is also case which i like from VAN Gogh.

VAN Gogh is the painter someone creative ,he well to do change painting nature for you creative.He of sketch a very fine and he line be free teori sketch and he playing free on paper.

VAN Gogh is impresionisme painter with sort various the colour on the paper and canvas…




CRISTIANO RONALDO ( born 5 february 1985) known as cr7 is afortuguese foot ball who play as aforward for spanish club Real Madrid and captain the portuguese national time.He became the most expensive footballer in history when be moved from mu to real madrid in 2009 in a transfer worth $131,6 milion.

RONALDO was the first player playing in england ti win  all four main pifa ,fipa awards,doing so in 2007 ,in 2008 ,RONALDO won the balon do’or.

CRISTIANO RONALDO is foot ball player on the word ,i contented becouse my hobby is play foot ball and paint,i like he style ball driblle,manner,intelligent and handsome.I wish the best painter become on the word,sme cas the best cr7 becom on the word.

CRISTIANO RONALDO is someone player foot ball a aggressive,don’t never,and at egoist,and jenius on the driblle ball…




SRI KRISNA is visnu avatara ,SRI KRISNA is someone rescuer in the word,character patient,gentle and having an authoriatative bearing intelligent.Ilike SRI KRISNA becouse i i wish be a rescuer for i priend.Starting at character SRI KRISNA to radiate a light ray for masyarakat iThree personage of  mentioned i didn’t free never becouse three personage of too i refrensi from on enter a new life the two thousend fourtin.

Thank you miss for assignment…




1.Vinchen Van Gogh was born on 30 marc 1853 in groot –zondert.

2.Vinchen( 1789-1874),gad received his degree  of the teologi art  the university see also van gogh family in his arts.

3.Van Gogh is painter artish and scientist of word.

4.Van Gogh is painter someone creative colour.

5.Van Gogh is impresionisme painter. A

6.CRISTIANO RONALDO (born 5 februari 1985) known as cr 7 is fortuguese foot ball who play as forward for Spanish club real Madrid.

7.RONALDO the best of bola dor 2008,and player award .

8.I wish the best painter become on the word.

9.SRI KRISNA is visnu avatara..



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Halo dunia!

⊆ Januari 24th by | ˜ No Comments »

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