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Beginners in the photographer and graphic designer

16 Juni 2011 // Posted in Lainnya  |  56 Comments

Hmm, interesting topic for discussion on this one .. 🙂
A beginner in photography or the term of a newbie is not uncommon in starting something before it reaches a higher level (read: professionals). Apart from these assumptions, will appear new terms such as: Senior, Master, or junior. Newcomers to the world of photography is called regular or junior, felt his knowledge in the world of photography is still minimal and felt compelled to introduce himself in this community to obtain input from the seniors.
Actually the longer I studied photography, the more I realize that there are still many things to explore 🙂 more deeply than I previously knew. But sometimes, more I read many topics about-newbie-beginner learning photography, I got to thinking something, anything so photography was still a strange stuff in Indonesia? why people use digital SLR can be considered great? And what about great try someone who can use all the advanced features of a mobile phone? A few more questions appear in my mind, why do good people (smart) in the science of photography tends to seem stingy mebagi science? (This I think in general terms). In fact, the newbie like me very thirsty for the sciences as such, rather than taught himself, as if I study without direction.

OK, how to study photography? to study photography is to never stop studying.

Divisions of a newbie, intermediate & advanced and professional (as if professional photographers are guaranteed greater than the photographer for free, but people who could be called rich and bought a complete equipment system, and then advertise wedding photographer, then there is a tenant, can be called professionals as well, do not you get paid: D) could be one of the reasons people stop learning photography.

How to study photography? What else? IMHO, to study photography is to never stop reading. To read Literatures, articles & books. To read the between the lines. To read people. To read nature.

So what is the relation of photography with graphic design?

Definition of Graphic Design is one form of art (drawing) applied that gives freedom to the designer (designer) to select, create, or set the way elements such as illustrations, photographs, writings, and the lines on a surface in order to be produced and communicated as a message. Images and signs that used to be a typographical or other media such as images or graphics photography.Desain generally applied in the world of advertising, packaging, film, and others.
Initially I had no interest to the world of photography, but I’m just a student majoring in visual communication design, which may only wrestle in the field daily graphic design, video editing, web, animation, or the development of some of these competencies. Science of photography is very very supportive of some of these competencies. Just imagine, the web without a communicative image, is it interesting? or a science of animation that I can called “stop-motion”, created by merging multiple photos, how the ad without photo images that describe the product?

As a beginner in both areas, there is no other word than to learn, the more reading the literature and practice and apply them in producing a work of good design.