

Tapak Telu

Translated by Putu Agus Bratayadnya Collaboration Project of Dita Gambiro, Wayan Sujana “Suklu” and Ngurah Sudibya. Tapak Telu is a collaboration project between 3 Artists, Dita Gambiro, Wayan Sujana “Suklu” and Ngurah Sudibya, which are coming from different discipline, meet in one project. What interesting phenomenon from this project is their works from each individual […]

Unity in Diversity Collaboration Exhibition on 22-27 des ’10

Translated by Putu Agus Bratayadnya Text by I Ketut Murdana Art appreciation Horizon is opener if back up by extensive observation and consciousness change towards “creative intelligence.” Creative intelligence is  intelligence unity of scientific thinking with the creative process. Intelligence could arise through a variety of activities, observation, selection, interpretation, contemplation, sublimation and so forth. […]