This post was written by arianggawan on Januari 24, 2014
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This painting was made when I and fellow painter went to the village of Sidemen, Karangasem, Bali. There are a natural beauty that is still very natural, like a stretch of rice fields and hills. Background scenery of rice fields with Mount Agung in this painting I created. The green of the trees, shades of rice fields exposed to sunlight produces a beautiful tone and a cool atmosphere as it adds tranquility within ourselves. Materials of painting using watercolor and paper media. Watercolor paper and I choose because it has advantages such as portability and quick-drying. I managed to do some painting there from morning to evening. Lots of experience and also the impression I get from painting activities in nature, especially when out with friends. Inspiration for me to make a painting could be from anywhere. I personally liked paintings of painter Basuki Abdullah. He is one of the Indonesian maestro painter who has exceptional talent. He also often painted landscapes Indonesia with Bali beauty background.