Description Bima Ruci Painting


              Bima ruci painting the size of this paint is 30 x 21cm. The media of this painting are paper and pencil. The author show this painting with surealisme style with black and white colour. The painter got inspiration from mahabrata story about bima who looked for ”Tirta Prawitasari”(Tirta Kamandalu) and met with Ruci gos or called by acitya in bali.

                The author added another ilustration such as wave image and another unsure for made crodit image in the ware between Bhima and the snack. But still take care of the compecition, prepotition, center od interest and balance to get the harmonity of creation. The author was not just considering the aspect of the philospy but also the aspect of the ethic to show the regulary about philosopy, etic and estetica.

                In this painting the author want to present philosopy value that were in bima ruci story. The fight Bhima with snack finded Dewa Ruci is mean if want to find the your self and the secreat your heart you must be lost the enemy in our self . “Who is able heart you muto recognize himself it will be able to know God”ABSTRACT Bima ruci painting the size of this paint is 30 x 21cm. The media of this painting are paper and pencil. The author show this painting with surealisme style with black and white colour. The painter got inspiration from mahabrata story about bima who looked for ''Tirta Prawitasari''(Tirta Kamandalu) and met with Ruci gos or called by acitya in bali. The author added another ilustration such as wave image and another unsure for made crodit image in the ware between Bhima and the snack. But still take care of the compecition, prepotition, center od interest and balance to get the harmonity of creation. The author was not just considering the aspect of the philospy but also the aspect of the ethic to show the regulary about philosopy, etic and estetica.  In this painting the author want to present philosopy value that were in bima ruci story. The fight Bhima with snack  finded Dewa Ruci is mean if want to find the your self and the secreat your heart you must be lost the enemy in our self . “Who is able  heart you muto recognize himself it will be able to know God” Description Bima Ruci Painting : BIMA RUCI PAINTING Bima ruci painting the size of this paint is 30 x 21cm. The media of this painting are paper and pencil. The author show this painting with surealisme style with black and white colour. The painter got inspiration from mahabrata story about bima who looked for ''Tirta Prawitasari''(Tirta Kamandalu) and met with Ruci gos or called by acitya in bali. In this story there are so many philosopy that make the author interested to make this painting with Bhima Ruci title. That was about a fighting between bima and a snack that the guardian of ''Tirta Prawitasari'' ang met with ruci god at the end.  The author took this scene becauese the author looked so many estetic value and estetica that could show this scene. The author added another ilustration such as wave image and another unsure for made crodit image in the ware between Bhima and the snack. But still take care of the compecition, prepotition, center od interest and balance to get the harmonity of creation. The author was not just considering the aspect of the philospy but also the aspect of the ethic to show the regulary about philosopy, etic and estetica. Bima Ruci painingt that took the idea from wayang story when Bhima met with his true teacher, Dewa Ruci Go. In the wayang story Bhima symbolised like great body, good character, egaliter and faitful. One of thi Pandawas's family was really respect to his teacher. This story exactly had philosopy value that can be example in his life. When Bhagawan Drona asked Bhima to find ''Tirta Prawitasari'' that had philosopy value ''the main of the true knowladge''. Bima had to do the phisic and hard mental exams, on his way to the sea ''samodra pangaksami''. There Bhima met with big snack ''nembur nawa'' as symbol crime unsure in the self that is ''sad ripu''. As in the visual in Bima Ruci painting. When Bhima made the snack lose suddenly came a child like Bima. He was ruci god ''sukma sejati'' that was a meeting bima with him self.  In this painting the author want to present philosopy value that were in bima ruci story. The fight Bhima with snack  finded Dewa Ruci is mean if want to find the your self and the secreat your heart you must be lost the enemy in our self . “Who is able  heart you muto recognize himself it will be able to know God”

           Judul                          : Bima Ruci

            Ukuran                        : 21 x 30 cm

                   Media                         : Pencil on paper

Description Bima Ruci Painting :


                    Bima ruci painting the size of this paint is 30 x 21cm. The media of this painting are paper and pencil. The author show this painting with surealisme style with black and white colour. The painter got inspiration from mahabrata story about bima who looked for ”Tirta Prawitasari”(Tirta Kamandalu) and met with Ruci gos or called by acitya in bali. In this story there are so many philosopy that make the author interested to make this painting with Bhima Ruci title. That was about a fighting between bima and a snack that the guardian of ”Tirta Prawitasari” ang met with ruci god at the end.

                      The author took this scene becauese the author looked so many estetic value and estetica that could show this scene. The author added another ilustration such as wave image and another unsure for made crodit image in the ware between Bhima and the snack. But still take care of the compecition, prepotition, center od interest and balance to get the harmonity of creation. The author was not just considering the aspect of the philospy but also the aspect of the ethic to show the regulary about philosopy, etic and estetica.

                Bima Ruci painingt that took the idea from wayang story when Bhima met with his true teacher, Dewa Ruci Go. In the wayang story Bhima symbolised like great body, good character, egaliter and faitful. One of thi Pandawas’s family was really respect to his teacher. This story exactly had philosopy value that can be example in his life. When Bhagawan Drona asked Bhima to find ”Tirta Prawitasari” that had philosopy value ”the main of the true knowladge”. Bima had to do the phisic and hard mental exams, on his way to the sea ”samodra pangaksami”. There Bhima met with big snack ”nembur nawa” as symbol crime unsure in the self that is ”sad ripu”. As in the visual in Bima Ruci painting. When Bhima made the snack lose suddenly came a child like Bima. He was ruci god ”sukma sejati” that was a meeting bima with him self.

                 In this painting the author want to present philosopy value that were in bima ruci story. The fight Bhima with snack finded Dewa Ruci is mean if want to find the your self and the secreat your heart you must be lost the enemy in our self . “Who is able heart you muto recognize himself it will be able to know God”