








    1. Phenomenon

    Nowadays the use of interpreting is very important in globalization era because

    people need interpreter when they want communicate with other people who talking different language with them in that time. There are many types of interpreting such as: Conference interpreting, Legal/court interpreting, Escort interpreting, Public Service interpreting, Medical interpreting and Sign language interpreting. The uses of interpreting in two or more types of interpreting make phenomenon because it needs understanding between these types of interpreting have their own term. For example if we discuss between court interpreting with medical interpreting as an analysis model, of course both of types of interpreting have different lexical choice and term.

    1.2.  Understanding of interpreting

    Interpreting is to presuppose knowledge of what the speaker clearly means in order to explain the speaker meaning, the implication of speaker’s meaning beyond what intended to convey and the speaker’s utterances within a larger cultural context.

    The basic training content in interpreting:

    –  Listening: concentration and analysis to following logical argument.

    –  Note-talking: no particular note-taking system, student develop individual system.

    –  Delivering:  in simultaneous and consecutive interpreting.

    1.3.  Interpreting vs. translation

    Although the terms translation and interpretation are used interchangeably in everyday speech, they vary in meaning. Both refer to the transfer of meaning between two languages. However, “translation” refers to a transfer from text to text — usually written, but may be recorded speech or sign — with time and access to resources such as dictionaries. There is a very high standard of accuracy for translation. Interpreting, on the other hand, usually takes place “on the spot” with the clients present, and deals with utterances (although the source language may be a text).

    A common misconception by the general public is that they must deliver a “word-by-word” or “verbatim” interpretation of what is said in the source language in order to be accurate. This misconception is usually held by speakers of a single language, and occasionally by lay self-described “bilingual” persons. The truth, however, is that if one were to attempt a “word-by-word” translation of a sentence, without regard for the listener’s understanding, the end result would usually be unintelligible. A case in point is a Spanish phrase like “Está de viaje”, which rendered “verbatim” in English could “translate” as “Is of voyage” (a phrase that makes no sense in English), when it really means (depending on context): “He/she/you is/are traveling,” or “He/She/You is/are out of town.”.

    1.2. Scope of problem

    • Interpret between two or more types of interpreting in consecutive

    interpreting and use court and medicine interpreting as the study case.

    1.3. Aims of writing

    In this paper there are two purposes, there are: General aim and specific aim. The purpose can be explained as follow:

    General purpose of this paper is for interpreting exercise as the middle test requirement.

    Specifically is to fulfill one of the academic requirements of interpreting subject to complete my study at Translation studies, Postgraduate program Linguistic department Faculty of Letters, Udayana University.


    Theoretical based

    When writing this exercise used main theories by David and Margareta Bowen in their book entitle Interpreting-Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow and the supported theory uses interpreting theory in www.wikipedia.org/wiki/interpreting

    2.1.  Models of interpreting

    Refers to the way in which interpreting is offered. There are many model of interpreting, such as:

    2.2.1  Simultaneous interpreting

    In some situations, the interpretation is given while the source speaker is speaking, as quickly as the interpreter can reformulate the message in the target language. Normally, in simultaneous interpreting between spoken languages the interpreter sits in a sound-proof booth, usually with a clear view of the speaker, at a microphone, listening through headphones to the incoming message in the source language; the interpreter relays the message in the target language into the microphone to whosoever is listening. Simultaneous interpreting is also the most common mode used by sign language interpreters.

    Simultaneous interpreting is sometimes referred to as “simultaneous translation” and the interpreter referred to as the “translator”. These terms are incorrect, as discussed in the distinction between interpreting and translation above.

    2.2.2.  Whispered interpreting

    In whispered interpreting, (also called “chuchotage” after the French word for the same) the interpreter sits or stands next to the (small) intended audience and interprets simultaneously in a whisper. This mode does not require any equipment.Whispered interpretation is often used in situations when the majority of a group speaks one language, and a limited number of people (ideally no more than three) do not speak that language.

    2.2.3.      Consecutive interpreting

    Consecutive interpreting involves the interpreter in taking notes of what is being

    said  At the end of each fairly large chunk of speech, the interpreter gives an oral translation (normally in reduced form) with or with out the help of notes.

    • Pictures of consecutive interpreting

    Interpreter whispers interpreting to Garry Kasparov of the speech of Klaus Bednarz.

    Interpreter takes notes of the speech of Garry Kasparov.

    Interpreter speaks the translation of the speech of Garry Kasparov

    In consecutive interpreting, the interpreter starts speaking after the source-text speaker has finished. (The speech may be divided into sections).

    Normally, in consecutive interpreting, the interpreter is alongside the speaker, listening and taking notes as the speech progresses. When the speaker has finished, or comes to a pause, the interpreter reproduces (consecutively) the message in the target language, in its entirety and as though he or she was making the original speech.

    Frequently, an experienced consecutive interpreter will prefer to interpret phrase by phrase, or even shorter portions of a sentence, in such a way as to approximate simultaneous interpreting. This method requires the speaker to pause between phrases and clauses long enough to allow the interpreter to render each portion of the speech instantly into the target language, without having to take time to take notes and without running the risk of forgetting any detail of the speech. This phrase-by-phrase method is frequently used in a number of settings, such as speeches before an audience, legal depositions, recorded statements, interpreting for a witness at a court hearing or trial, and others.

    2.2.4.  Liaison interpreting

    Liaison interpreting involves relaying between one, two or more people what is being said. This can be done after a short speech or on a sentence-by-sentence basis consecutively or as whispering (“chuchotage”). No equipment is used apart from note-taking. Liaison Interpreting is a form of oral interpreting in which two speakers who do not know each’s language, normally in spontaneous conversation setting.


    Interpret between two or more types of interpreting in consecutive interpreting

    and use court and medicine interpreting as the study case.

    3.1 Concept

    Interpreting is defined as “oral translation of a written text” (Shuttleworth & Cowie: 1997:83). Mahmoodzadeh gives a more detailed definition of interpreting: Interpreting consists of presenting in the target language, the exact meaning of what is uttered in the source language either simultaneously or consecutively, preserving the tone of the speaker (1992:231). So if we talking about interpret between two or more types of interpreting in consecutive interpreting and use court and medicine interpreting as the study case is very interesting to discuss.

    3.2. Data analysis

    Usually an interpreter takes only one types of interpreter as he specializes for example if interpreter court specialize, medicine specialize, conference specialize, Escort specialize, Public Service specialize, and Sign language specialize. But when an interpreter must interpret more than one type of interpreting for example two types or more, it makes a phenomenon because interpreter usually takes one types of interpreting among six types of interpreter.

    Court and medicine interpreting choose as the study case in this paper because both of them, court interpreting and medicine interpreting is contrastive each other. Legal interpreting, or court or judicial interpreting, takes place in courts of justice or administrative tribunals and wherever a legal proceeding is held (such as a conference room for a deposition or the location of a sworn statement). Legal interpreting can take the form of consecutive interpreting of witnesses’ statements, for example, or simultaneous interpreting of the entire proceedings by electronic means for one or more of the people in attendance. Depending on the regulations and standards adhered to per state and venue, court interpreters usually work alone when providing consecutive interpreting services, or as a team when simultaneous interpreting is required. In addition to mastery of the source and target languages, an excellent knowledge of law and court procedure is required of court interpreters. Often they are required to have formal authorisation from the State to work in the courts — and are then called sworn interpreters.

    On the other hand for a subset of public service interpreting, If we talking  medical interpreting consists of communication between a medical caregiver and a patient and/or family members, facilitated by one qualified to provide such a service. The interpreter must have a strong knowledge of medicine, common procedures, the patient interview and exam process, and the day-to-day workings of the hospital or clinic, in order to be able to serve both the patient and the caregiver. Medical interpreters often act as cultural liaisons for those who are not familiar with, or particularly comfortable in, a hospital setting.

    Interpret between Court and medical interpreting happen when in Court there is a medicine case for example malpractice in medicine and the victim want to judge the doctor or in murder case, it needs explanation from forensic specialize doctor and the explanation will full of medicine term. So in both case there are two types of interpreting, court and medicine and of course there are two different term. In these case Interpret should to understand both of those term because we can not use two of interpreting that one is for Medicine subject or the other one is for court subject. In those case the interpreting can ask one or two days before for what going talk in that time. For example if the interpreting has specialize in court interpreting so he need to learn about medicine only but it is not simple way because as I know that medicine has many content like dermatology, ophthalmologist , internist, orthopedic, pediatrician etc. If the study case about children disease so interpret can learn more about medicine with pediatrician content.

    On the other hand if interpreter has specialize in medicine interpreting, if the interpreting know about the court topic and what kind of court contents before H-day, so it will help the interpreting much because court has many contents too like economic law, law of civil procedure, law of criminal procedure, International law, labor law, monetary law, etc.

    If this is not help the internet much that there is one way that use the not talking because in consecutive interpreting, the interpreter can use note-talking or not use note-talking but in that case the using of note-talking better rather than not using not talking.

    Because when using note-talking we can write the main point of the sentence or clues of this interpreting and the more important we can write the term of both court and medicine. It very useful when we forget about that term (medicine or court term) because perhaps this term is first time our hear so it harder to remember rather than term our usually listen.

    Beside this if we write the both term, from medicine term and court term and if we do not understand and do not know about the translate of this term we can say the term same as what they say. Perhaps they understand the term because this is their term (medicine or court term).

    So the use of note-talking in interpret especially in consecutive interpreting when interpret between two or more interpreting types and use court and medicine interpreting as the study case will help the interpreter so much when present their consecutive interpreting.

    Chapter IV


    Based on the foregoing analysis and discussion, the following points can be drawn as conclusion:

    When interpreter interpret two or more interpreting types in consecutive time at the same time is not easier rather than interpreting one topic only. This need experience and special skill. For example when interpret court and medicine type of interpreting at the same time at court. The interpreter needs good strategies to do that job. The interpreter can ask two days, three days or more before the H-day and ask what the specific topic going to interpret because both of medicine interpreting and court interpreting have  many contents.

    The further strategies the interpreter using a note-taking when interpret that interpreting. Because we can write the both term, from medicine term and court term and if we do not understand and do not know about translate of this term we can say the term same as what they say. Perhaps they understand the term because this is their term (medicine or court term).


    Basil Hatim and Ian Mason. 1997. The Translator as Communicator. Routledge London

    and New York.

    Cliff Goddard, 1997, Australia, Semantic Analysis a Practical Introduction: The

    University of New England Armidale.

    David and margarita Bowen.1990. American Translation Association Scholarly

    Monograph Series. Volume IV. Binghamton. State University of New York




    Posted by bratayadnya @ 1:27 am

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